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Yellow Tower Cactus- Parodia leninghausii

Yellow Tower Cactus- Parodia leninghausii

Regular price $14.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $14.00 USD
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Yellow tower cactus (Parodia leninghausii) is a fuzzy yellow cactus from South America. As a cactus, it can go for weeks without water, has few pests, and can survive being somewhat neglected. The hairs on the yellow tower aren't stiff, so handling the plant isn't quite as dangerous as some cacti. All this helps make it a popular houseplant, or xeriscape plant where temperatures don't get too far below freezing. 

3.5" pot

Cannot ship to AZ

Spread: 3-feet tall, 6-inches wide, clumping
Cold hardiness: zones 9-11
Light requirements: full sun to medium sun
Water requirements: low
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