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Elderberry 'Adams' - Sambucus canadensis

Elderberry 'Adams' - Sambucus canadensis

Regular price $10.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.50 USD
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 'Adams' Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) is a native plant that will attract tons of pollinators with it's bright white clusters of small flowers in spring. These are followed by bunches of dark purple/black berries, from which people make wine, jam, syrup, soap, dyes, and medicinal products. Raw berries must be cooked before they are edible. Although these plants are semi-self-fertile, although they will increase yields with another variety planted. This bush will reach a height of 10 feet in good conditions. 

3.5" pot

Cannot ship to AZ or OR

Spread: 10'x10'
Cold hardiness: zones 3-9
Light requirements: full sun to medium sun
Water requirements: medium
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