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Dragon Fruit - Hylocereus undatus - Pitahaya

Dragon Fruit - Hylocereus undatus - Pitahaya

Regular price $8.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 USD
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This is a Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus undatus), or pitahaya. It is a seedling from red-skinned and white-fleshed fruit and is 2-3 years old. The flavor of dragon fruit is somewhat tropical and sweet, but the look of the fruit almost more interesting. It's like a red scaly baseball, with white flesh and tiny kiwi-like seeds. This plant is a cactus, so it is drought-tolerant, although it will flower best with ample summer watering (1 inch/week). It's not cold-tolerant though, so bring it indoors if you have freezing temperatures.

3.5" pot

Cannot ship to AZ

Spread: in ground 10ft+, potted much smaller
Cold hardiness: zones 10-11
Light requirements: Full sun to medium sun
Water requirements: low


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