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Creeping Phlox Dark Pink - Phlox subulata

Creeping Phlox Dark Pink - Phlox subulata

Regular price $8.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 USD
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Creeping phlox, also called moss phlox, makes a dense sprawling mat of green that is topped with a carpet of flowers from mid-spring until summer. It will also show a few flowers in the fall. This variety is a dark pink, with an even darker pink eye. Never growing much over 6 inches, it can spread happily in between rocks or grow as small mound, and can withstand dry conditions once established. Moss phlox, which is a North American native, is relatively cold hardy, with a hardiness zone rating of 3-9. 
Also called:  Flowering Moss, Moss Phlox

Spread: 6" height, spreading, clumping
Cold hardiness: zone 3-9
Light requirements: Full Sun to Medium Sun
Water requirements: medium

3.25" pot                                                                                                                            Cannot ship to AZ (unless bare-root)

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