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Confederate Rose - Hibiscus Mutabilis

Confederate Rose - Hibiscus Mutabilis

Regular price $11.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $11.50 USD
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Once well established, this mounding perennial can quickly grow into a large bush 6'-8' tall and wide. During late summer or early fall, it begins heavily blooming large double white flowers, that turn pink as they age. The leaves are maple shaped. Care is typical of other hardy hibiscus: medium watering and partial sun to full sun. In warm climates, the plant may remain all winter. For colder climates, the plant will die back to the ground, but regrows in the spring.

3.25" pot

Cannot ship to AZ (unless bare root) or OR (at all)

Spread: 6' to 8' height and width
Cold hardiness: zone 7-11
Light requirements: Full sun to medium sun
Water requirements: medium

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